Land on the corner of Wm Henry Walk – 2021/0283

Submission to Wandsworth Borough Council
Added on: 9 April 2021 at 10:15:57

The Battersea Society objects most strongly to a further extension of permission for this illuminated advertisement, first granted for a temporary period of three years in 2013.

As there is no application form posted we are not clear if this land remains in the ownership of Wandsworth Council. Our letter to Mr Tiernan, 30 July 2014 objected to the proposed disposal of the land, reminding the Council that:

“this land… was donated to the Council by Elm Quay Freehold’s predecessors. We assume this was to ensure that an attractive stretch of land, at the entrance to this section of the Thames Path riverside walk, remained available for public benefit rather than being a site for an obtrusive advertising hoarding or a source of short term income for the Council.

“If this disposal were to go ahead it would compound the error made by WBC in granting the application made by Wandsworth Council, reference 2013/4035, for an illuminated sign beside the river.

“The planning application was objected to by the Nine Elms Vauxhall Partnership, by TfL, the St. James Group, the Battersea Society and many others.”

Surely the time has now come for the Council to honour the gift of this land rather than further extend this advertising which, as we wrote in 2015 is “intrusive and inappropriate… to the detriment of current and future residents of the area.”

Despite the permission being temporary a further application, 2015/3862, to which we objected in August 2015, was granted.

The application should be refused and all advertising removed.

You can see full details of this application and other comments, or to make your own views known by copying 2021/0283 and pasting it into the box you will find here


Land adjacent to 76a Stanley Grove – 2021/0988


Dominvs Hotel, 2020/2047: Revised proposals